How to Implement a Healthy Diet Part #2

Eat Smaller Portions

Choosing smaller portions can significantly help you maintain a healthy diet. Eating smaller, healthier portions is a great way to not overeat. This concept also helps keep food costs lower as you will waste less.

Count Nutrients, Not Calories

Our energy intake can only depend on our ability to extract energy from food. Because all calories are not created equal and each of us requires a different amount focusing on the quality of calories is key to making the right steps to improving your diet.

Add More Probiotics to Your Food Choices

Adding probiotic foods like Kefir to help aid with healthy digestion while keeping your gut in check with good bacteria. Our digestion is responsible for extracting nutrients from food and building our immune systems. Other probiotic foods include yogurt, apple cider vinegar, and soft cheeses are a good way to add probiotics to our diets.



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