Month: April 2020

How Can we Find Healthy Food Options?

Because many of us live in what is classified as a “food desert” which means we have less access to healthy foods it can be hard at times to find healthy food options. Look for farmer’s markets to shop at in the summer months. Purchasing fresh, locally grown food is the best way to have […]

Making Changes Doesn’t Have to Happen All At Once.

The idea is to not overwhelm yourself with a giant change in your lifestyle overnight. However, reaching your goals of living a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise can lead to a plethora of benefits. Weight Loss Reduced Risk of Cancer Diabetes Management Heart Health and Stroke Prevention Mental Health (Better Mood) Strong Bones and […]

How to Implement a Healthy Diet Part #2

Eat Smaller Portions Choosing smaller portions can significantly help you maintain a healthy diet. Eating smaller, healthier portions is a great way to not overeat. This concept also helps keep food costs lower as you will waste less. Count Nutrients, Not Calories Our energy intake can only depend on our ability to extract energy from […]

What is Living A Healthy Lifestyle?

Living a healthy lifestyle should be a way of life. But you don’t have to make vast changes to your life all at once. Whether you are just getting started or you are on top of your game, the key to living a healthier lifestyle is balance. Getting into the habit of making healthier choices […]

How to Implement a Healthy Diet Part #1

Just Say No to Sugary Drinks According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, the average American drinks around 45 gallons of soda each year. Other than the obvious risks associated with sugar intake (think obesity and Type 2 diabetes) consuming sugary drinks can also cause liver damage, premature aging and anxiety. Instead of reaching for a […]

Eating and Maintaining a Healthy Diet

As we age our nutrition needs change. Our diets vary depending on variety of factors, however, eating a healthy balance of foods remains the same throughout every stage of life. You should eat a wide range of foods to obtain the right amount of nutrients. The standard recommendation of calories intake for men and women […]